How you roll out a coordinated attack to destroy the United States.

1. Keep the biggest threat to the globalist, President Trump, distracted with

-False charges of Russian collusion and a 2 year investigation into the charges the opposition party created from whole cloth
- endless news hit pieces based on false accusations and anonymous sources

- Create charges for impeachment from an anonymous whistleblower working closely with the same progressives who preside over the hearings
2. Have a controlled opposition who have no principals, are historically illiterate, morally bankrupt, and utter cowards.

3. Firewall @POTUS with compromised advisors who prevent actual information and solutions from reaching the President
4. Create a Panicdemic based on number of tests and not actual disease and death. Co-opt and shame institutional medicine and science into a false narrative with devastating outcomes.

5. Have social media switch from platforms to publishers with ideological fact checks
Once the economy is in a choke hold, the narrative is controlled, than.......

6. Steal the election by having a trusted conservative news source flip on election eve by calling a state that hasn’t counted it’s votes (AZ) and ignoring a state that went for POTUS early (FLA)
7. Once massive fraud is revealed with actual evidence, have SCOTUS refuse to take up the case

8. Send Mitch McConnell to the floor to congratulate Joe Biden

And the well choreographed cycle continues.....

Only President Trump can break the corrupt dance unfolding
@realDonaldTrump has the majority of WDC and media against him, but he has a hole card to play. “We the People”. The 75 plus million who now have our president’s back. @POTUS can order a new election in the contested states where massive fraud is established.
He is supported by the US Constitution that not only gives him the authority, but the obligation to ensure the survival of our Republic. President Trump has the trifecta to do this. History, the constitution and the American people will support his decision.
@realDonaldTrump you have “the consent of the govern”. Please cross the river and restore our Republic. God Bless America
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