$TRI - http://trinityprotocol.io 

Contract - 0xc299004a310303d1c0005cb14c70ccc02863924d

Trinity is a novel protocol that combines:

- Auto liquidity generation
- Frictionless yield generation
- Automated buybacks and token burns

Mix of $RFI, $LIQ, $ITS

👇 Lots more frens 👇

Before I go anymore on about the project, look at this baby.

Personally, this graph tells me we have just broken out, and primed to hit 3 targets.

Target 1 - $0.20 (78%)
Target 2 - $0.25 (126%)
Target 3 (ATH) - $0.48 (329%)

👇 More 👇

- $RFI mechanic where holders get passive income, similar to DEFLCT

- $LIQ mechanic where part of every tx goes into a contract and when the threshold is met, half is sold and half is matched to add to locked liquidity forever

👇 More on $ITS mechanic 👇

- $ITS mechanism where once an hour someone calls the alchemize function on the website, part of the liquidity is removed, 95% is burned, 5% sent to caller and the ETH side market buys TRI

👇 Shit ton more of research sers 👇

$TRI can partner up with any project, create a TRI-partner pool and funnel the liquidity generating mechanism to that pool, therefor bootstrapping liquidity for projects

Just announced partnership with $VALUE, this could be huge

👇 Tokenomics 👇

Initial Total Supply - 10M $TRI

Current Total Supply - 9.4M $TRI

Total Liq - 406k

Current Price - $0.13

Liquidity Treasury (additional rewards for LPs) - 5%

DAO Treasury (for partnerships and growth) - 5%

Marketing - 7.5%

Team - 2.5%

👇 Socials ser 👇

You can follow @AdamHODL.
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