(1/25) #2020Lessons: Not sure if anyone else noticed: many the Left are now loudly self-identifying as 'Progressives' as a sort of pious, more pure religious offshoot/sect of the Democrat and Neoliberal swamp. This is exactly what the Tea Party did to the GOP in 2010 as ...
(2/25)... a kind of 'autonomous zone' or cleavage on the Right. Just as then, this self-righteous pseudo splinter movement is heading in same trajectory: forming another self-reverential intellectual ghetto on Left that will eventually succumb to the same fate, beguiled by a...
(3/25) cauldron of half-baked uptopia policy ideas & a tribalistic quest to regulate ideological purity within their camp, with denizens who sit around arguing like a bunch of privileged art critics about 'real' definition of *socialism* or *democratic socialist* or The Left...
(4/25) These people are quick to declare "I'm with Bernie, not NeoLib Dems!", branding themselves as 'a force for good' under Democrat's tattered circus tent. This is the Leftwing Tea Party we predicted would emerge which is effectively controlled opposition for corporate...
(5/25) and globalist interests. Unlike their outcast rightwing cousins who were largely idealist, naive revanchist Patriot-types, this breed of Progressives 'rebels' appear deceptive because they as they go to great lengths to conceal their true ideology/political motives...
(6/10)... many of the 'thought leaders' in this conclave are admittedly your garden variety post-modernist, upper class/middle class bourgeois communists. Yes, them. They're just flying a trendy new flag. Personally, I have no problem with having an open, honest debate over...
(7/25) ... over policy, money and culture with anyone - self-avowed Socialists, Neoliberal globalists, or even Communists. But the problem with upper class/middle class bourgeois variety is that they do not represent to views of the 'working people' they constantly gush over...
(8/25) ... certainly not in American politics, the surge of populism within Republican Party as a genuine movement in 2020 appealing to nation's working class and minorities shows this to be the case. BUT... it's more important to note here: since COVID, all of these...
(9/25)... self-righteous "Progressives" have either gone quiet on, or have totally backed:

*Economic shutdowns
*Gov't paying furlough
*School Shutdowns
*All COVID 'Relief' Spending
*Mass Bio-surveillance

'Progressives' unanimously back rapacious state spending...
(10/25) as the only alternative to 'getting through the pandemic'. At no point have any of these supposed "thought leaders", bloggers/Progressive media/social media people ever challenged any of Gov't, MSM, Big Medical, Gates, or Pharma provably fraudulent claims...
(11/25) ... claims about COVID's alleged superpowers or nature of actual threat posed in comparison to other comparable virus/diseases, or the epic global grift/gravy train which has suddenly sprung up since Mar 2020. Crickets. Nothing. They've avoided it like *The Plague*...
(12/25) Instead, these 'Progressives' have been quick to divert all talk into "More PPE!" or "We need more $$, we're suffering!" - instead of looking at obvious fraud being perpetrated in a perfect merger of State & Corporate interests, real *fascism* in front of your noses...
(13/25) Any reasonably intelligent, honest person (not wallowing in a cesspool of irrational fear) would look at this & quickly determine the easiest route out of the calamity is to cease and desist with baseless Gov't edicts destroying the economy and society along with it...
(14/25) Alas, 'Progressive' are silent on this issue. Why? Because ideologically, as garden variety upper class/middle class bourgeois communists - they see broad and bombastic State intervention as the turn-key solution to everything, to every situation and problem, and worse...
(15/25) they give succor to dangerous and ultimately destructive idea that the Government can blindly spend its way out of any situation or problem, fundamentally a very Soviet way of thinking. This is absolutely in the 'new' Progressive mindset, and this is partly why they...
(16/25) ... all in unison went totally silent on COVID/Lockdowns from Day 1. This is partly because another believe of of upper class/middle class bourgeois communists marquerading as a 21st century 'woke' Progressives is a visible NeoMarxist aspiration that COVID/Lockdowns...
(17/25) ...would create such a log-jam in the global 'capitalist system' that the calamity might somehow bring 'global capital' to a halt & with any luck lead to global workers strike and some of these self-identified Progressives were calling for a 'general strike' based on...
(18/25) a 'workers rights' calling for Govt to "guarantee a 100% COVID-Safe workplace". This insane demand helped nail firmly into place Gov't + Transnational Corporate & Big Pharma's pseudo-science, computer modeling-based narrative of a deadly inescapable global 'pandemic'...
(19/25) while over-exaggerating the actual biological/viral threat throughout this drama. Here, 'Progressives' have really buttressed the Int'l Corporate machine, empowered it & made wealthier than ever and widening that dreaded 'wealth gap' the Left pontificate on so much...
(20/25) These are same 'Progressives' who constantly champion Anti-war issues and human rights and brand themselves as "Anti Imperialist" & "Anti Fascist" - but when real Imperialism & literal real corporativist Fascism comes to bear at home - these 'Progressives' are all AWOL...
(21/25) showing themselves to be incredibly malleable, absolute controlled opposition for the Global Corporate machine. Knowingly/unknowingly, these type of Leftists are the real vanguard for the globalist elite. Throughout history, globalist elites have always used these same...
(22/25) often shallow but politically adept Upper Class/Middle Class status-seeking bourgeois communists in media and 'influencer' positions - as their preferred tool to divert and confuse the real working class masses while the real swindle takes place in broad daylight...
(23/35) If 2020 taught us anything, it should be how this entire bloc of self-styled 'dissidents' could be *switched off* when the real SHTF, enabling real corporate takeover of economy & society - because in the end, these moralistic ideologically pure 'Progressives' ended-up..
(24/25) ... taking the same EXACT same side as the corrupt corporate Mainstream Media which all these 'Progressive rebels' so loudly oppose over the 'endless wars' etc. Did it never occurred to some of them that this was the same Corp Media machine which does those wars?...
(25/25) Whatever the reason; out of genuine fear of COVID, or socialist goals, or just out of their depth, festooning Progressive 'thought leaders' folded like a wet tent. They bailed, ran into their rooms crying from keyboards for Gov't to "do more!" There's a lesson for 2020.
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