If you’re in the DR and you unironically use the term “incel,” you’ve fallen for a media-promoted ghey-op designed specifically to make young men (especially white men) seem like ticking time bombs; their political and social concerns to be filed away as psychosomatic.
Remember, Hitler’s actions were the product of his “having 1 ball and a micropenis.” Similarly, the J-media uses people’s relationship problems to label them as “weirdos” who can’t snag a walking-talking fleshlight. “Haha virgin loser doesnt sexually exploit broken women. Loser!”
Sexual humiliation is part of ZOG’s playbook. We already know they do this via Epstein. It’s also clear when they have certain politicians under their thumb (ladybugs, foam parties, bear cyclops). It’s meant to deeply shame someone. The “incel” thing is no different.
Instead of actually addressing why relationships are failing and why the difficulties of the sexual marketplace seem insurmountable for some, the media tells you it’s b/c you men are not “alpha enough.” Lack of community and social solidarity? Nah. Not alpha enough. Small peepee.
The Caducean sells impressionable men on GAME with cliches like “just get out there” despite the fact that there is no “there” to get out into. Bars are no longer places to meet healthy people. Social clubs do not exist (at least not for gentiles). Did @benshapiro use game? 🤣
Getting asked out on the street (cat-calling) or in the workplace (harassment) is a modern faux pas. And for good reason. Such attention confuses professionalism and courtship. Rejecting co-workers and peers makes all further social interaction resented. So where is this “there?”
Additionally the “alpha dog” dog dominance theory has been debunked. It is now a specious metaphor. Our nerdy-looking grandpas did not use game to marry our grandmas. Rather, they lived in a healthier society where social roles were well-defined and ppl helped ppl couple up.
What this “incel” thing achieves is it hides that the massive burden on the shoulders of women. Women are told that they have to self-actualize in two ways: forge careers strong enough to compete with strong men & maintain healthy romantic relationships with those same strong men
This is unimaginably difficult b/c it ignores the social dynamics of men and women completely. Men demand respect while women demand love and support. How can a “boss bitch” woman respect a man who makes less money and/or is her subordinate?
How can a man love and support a woman who bends over (metaphorically or not) for her J3wish boss? How is there even time to have mutually fulfilling life experiences and get to know a partners if you’re both busy making money for the shareholders? It’s absurd.
The sexual marketplace in 2020 is run by women. Women decide who they will date, marry, and procreate with. Not men. And no, “alpha men” don’t change this truth. Some of the most alpha personalities we can think of are divorced or single in their 40s/50s.
Brad Pitt gets humiliated on a plane by his ex-wife & mystery meat son. Clooney is divorced from some sub-par shitskin. Elon Musk simped hard for fucking Amber Heard, and the richest man in the world is dating what looks like a Brazilian MtoF. What’s wrong? Just not alpha enough?
The solution is to reject the “women have to LARP as men” paradigm. They don’t. They should not be expected to. It breeds resentment and strange sexual dynamics. One solution can be found in the “socialism” part of national socialism.
Women can be single for a period of time and still be socially/financially supported as they look for a mate and develop their personalities and interests. With this, they don’t have to sell their souls (and bodies) for corporate crumbs or jump into potentially bad relationships.
Women who choose to forgo relationships and remain on this “dole” will eventually (by natural virtue of their catty peers) become socially ostracized and shamed. This is the best encouragement they can have to not become mentally-ill spinsters.
This will erode casual sex culture which, in turn, erodes even the notion of an “incel” as a thing.
tl;dr — Inceldom is a ghey-op. The incel gag was an ironic online joke that the media has since weaponized and made serious. Men and women are both suffering from this Piss Earth society’s perspective on sexual dynamics and its relationship to gender roles/labor
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