10 years ago today I drove myself to the hospital because I needed help. I was struggling mentally after returning from my 9 month tour in Western Panjwai 2 days prior. Patrolling and working out of different villages and FOBs. I had tried to go shopping that morning and I..
could not get out of my car. Chest pain, tingling all over my body, thoughts of hopelessness. I was a top performing PO1 at the time, also a Captain with Halifax fire with close to 1000 calls worth of experience.I was a CIMIC platoon 2 I/C then a platoon commander in Afghanistan.
Although I felt the flicker of an issue in the weeks leading up to my departure from Afghanistan, I thought I could handle it, I had been through a lot and I could tough it out. I was wrong. We are lucky as members of the CAF to have resources available to help us.
It doesn’t matter what your rank or position is. If you need help, ask for it, call someone, tell someone. Get yourself well. You are worth that effort. Be there for yourself so you can be there for your people. Some resources can be found at this link. https://www.cafconnection.ca/National/Programs-Services/Mental-Health.aspx
More available through your CoC or base. Reach out. Family, friends, peers. It truly is ok to not feel ok. Work on your resiliency bank. Exercise, sleep, nutrition, mediation, time in the outdoors have all helped me greatly. Be there for yourself so you can be there for others.
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