An absolute masterclass in how to be a pathetic grifter hack.

Stretch those limbs, get ready for some serious mental gymnastics and peer into the mind of reactionary activist Sihle Ngobese:

Step 1: repeatedly post comics by a wildly anti-Semitic and racist cartoonist:
Step 2: get told, once again, that this is not just an edgy cartoonist with an inappropriate sense of humour, but a rabid anti-Semite and race realist with a long history of pushing vile narratives in his work, e.g. linking IQ to race, etc.

Fun stuff. 

Again, this is not an artist who stepped over the line with one or two jokes - it's his entire career.

There are countless examples of this, but here are just 4 of them:
Step 3: respond, for the first time, to people pointing this out to you (again), by playing the race card and playing the victim (despite whining for a living about how SJW's do the same)
Step 4: time for semantics - deny the obvious by playing silly word games.
Step 5: continue to deny reality by questioning sources.

A Reddit post with a long list of links to the cartoonist's work (i.e. the source material) can easily be brushed aside as "just some Reddit post".
Step 6: now on to the euphemisms.

Reframe naked anti-Semitism and race realism as "off-colour" remarks or "getting it wrong".

Reframe "people pointing this out to you" as "people trying to 'deplatform' the artist and 'silence' him" or an attack on free speech somehow.
Step 7: getting called out for being an apologist for anti-Semitism & racism as long as it fits your narrative?

Sounds like an opportunity to create some content for your talkshow!

Invite the cartoonist and a Twitter anon onto your show to discuss the merits of race realism.
Step 8: when steps 1 through 7 all fail, just wait 2 days and then block the people pointing out how empty and performative your grift is.

Your fans won't remember and don't care anyway, none of this matters.

Carry on!
And remember, folks: it's all an act.

Yup, using identity politics to make privileged people feel more comfortable and turning a blind eye to naked racism and anti-Semitism while "triggering the libz" is a wonderfully lucrative act.

Get that paper!
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