Right, bit of a long thread of my thoughts on Bruce. I’m sure they’re pretty obvious but I’ve tried to be balanced
1) You could argue he came in on a hiding to nothing. Not wanted after Rafa, poorly rated by many and his Sunderland connection. I’d always argue results change that. Hughton when fully appointed wasn’t wanted and nobody wanted Pardew. Results by them two improved their standing
2) He started poorly and his tactical nous or lack of was seen in the first game. Look at that Jetro sub against Arsenal ? Piss poor from early on. The Spurs win was great but it was followed up by 2 poor home displays against Watford and Brighton and a humping at Leicester.
3) One of the few things I’ll give Bruce credit for is the results post Leicester. I won’t have been the only one walking away from there that day who thought we were gone, but credit where it’s due the squad regrouped and the results till Palace before Xmas were decent.
4) To his word he’s always put a good side out in the cups but other than Morecambe, Rochdale replay and possibly West Brom we’ve struggled in every tie. It’s been unacceptable the struggles we have when we’re expected to have more of the ball. That’s a coaching issue. End of.
5) Have any players improved under his tutelage ? I can’t name one, but I can name players who I rate - Longstaff, Miggy, Lascelles who have all gone backwards under Bruce. This again is a coaching issue, and if ‘Tactics isn’t his thing’ then surround yourself with coaches.
6) Are Clemence, Agnew and Harper the best type of coaches we can get. Bruce failed massively at Aston Villa yet reverts to type with the same back room staff. That’s a bored, turgid manager just doing the rounds and see out his career to retirement.
7) Patter - This is my biggest issue with Bruce tbh. We ‘Hope’ we can win against teams like Brentford. ‘We’re gonna have a go’ & ‘The players try but they’re not that great’. As the Head Coach your job is to improve and ensure you go into games with a plan. We never have one.
8) Bare stats don’t lie. We get battered every game and luckily for Bruce he has luck. Have any of our pens been pens this season ? Burnley at home yes, but have the others. It was always going to run out and now it has.
9) Ashley is the issue but Bruce said he could’ve done no more for him in the summer so why with players he wanted have we not improved. If we’re a ‘Work in progress’ then what the flying fuck are we working on ?
10) It’s time to go & it’s time the @ChronicleNUFC in particular drive this home. This squad is nowhere near as bad as Luke Edwards likes you to think it is. If he stays we’re only going one way. #BruceOut
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