Very interesting after-action report from the Hard Lefty side of December 12 in DC. Quite unlike Hard Righties’ comments in similar circumstances: Hard Lefties are very tactically minded and are also willing to admit failure when they fail.
Hard Lefties also think socially, in terms of making friends.
Lots of frank thought about successes and failures, with ideological shoring-up after having had to rely on police protection.
All in all, a very interesting document.

Note too that the Proud Boys didn’t do anything too clever or interesting. They just brought more people, that’s all. It boils down to “how many guys ya got?”
Note that in an ongoing event, any numerical advantage could be whittled down quickly if one side has jail support and lawyers and the other doesn’t.

Hard Lefties have excellent jail support and the NLG number of the day written on their arms. Proud Boys, not so much.
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