Since it got buried in like 50 other tweets this will be my last (unless she keeps tweeting about me):

Who do you think is right about OUR stance on abortion?

1. A member who has spoken to general authorities because that position IS concerning

2. An Anti-Mo
The site isnt “inaccurate” bc I don’t like it. I. Have. Spoken. To. Church. Leadership.

I won’t speak for them as to why it was written that way & I do hope they make it more clear, but I can tell you unless hell freezes over & an 11 yo is raped it won’t even be considered
Quick explanation for anyone who is curious and doesn’t understand how our Church functions:

Eternal doctrine is solidified, but policy & interpretations can change as we come to understand them/modern revelation.

For example, we updated our section on transgender members of The Church recently, and that probably wasn’t the last time we’ll do so.

This is not something we’ve “always” had to explain (altho it is obviously not approved) so our position has come out in greater detail
Same thing with abortion. Abortion is not something we’ve “always” had to explain. From scripture you can conclude it is wrong because abortion is literally innocent bloodshed.

This is something that can & will be corrected in the near future bc that is literally wrong lol
Did The Church change their position on homosexuality for removing the clause from the honor code at BYU in the spring?

No, and The Church clarified because so many people were trying to say we’re pro-gay now

I promise you don’t know more than active, faithful members

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