Here's what's going to happen next with the news about Ripple and XRP. 1) Crypto exchanges are going to panic and drop it. Exchanges have been operating without being broker-dealers or regulated exchanges. Their exposure is high.
2) Coinbase will likely cancel their IPO. 3) Liquidity on exchanges will drop. 4) Liquidity will continue to shift to DEX's as will money laundering. 5) As crypto tries to evade regulators, regulators will feel emdoldened to pursue.
6) USD and fiat stable coins are going to get heavily regulated. SEC could take the view that stable coins are non interest bearing money market funds. 7) Regulators are going to crack Tether wide open.
8) Tether collapse will collapse off chain trading volume and crush central exchanges and DEXs.
9) Criminals with crypto will panic and attempt to move large transactions on chain. They will unknowingly be exposing themselves to cyber criminals who will then mount 51% attacks (many networks it takes less than 51%).
10) As the self cannibalization takes hold so will the shareholder lawsuits against large public companies and financial institutions (you know who they are) that exposed their shareholders to these losses while failing to do the most basic of due diligence
11) The crypto industry will be purged. Afterwards it will return to it's roots which are cryptography, privacy, liberty, and restoring trust. Building trust, security, and privacy in complex and highly regulated markets takes a ton of work and open dialog.
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