A thread that shows you how invalid your argument is if you use an article published by the scum *coughs* I mean the sun to prove your point. IT IS TIME TO GET #JUSTICEFORJOHNNYDEPP
TW // mention of violence, eating disorders, drugs etc.
Yes, by now we all know what kind of articles the sun has been publishing about Johnny Depp and we all know they’re lies (well most of us with brains) but here is why the sun is even worse than some might think.
Fun Fact: Liverpool fans are the ones who first called the paper “The Scum” after the paper published stories in 1989 claiming that the disaster that caused the death of 96 people and injured over 700 people to be Liverpool fans’ fault.
This was during a semi-final FA cup game between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest when the weak stadium infrastructure and poor officiating by the police caused the stands to crash. They also published other lies about the incident.
In 1989, the Sun published a story on Elton John claiming he had sexual relationships with rent boys aka male prostitutes and how Elton 'demanded that the young male prostitutes found for him should be drugged with vast amounts of coke before being brought to his bed’.
And they kept publishing lies about him and tried to dig up dirt on Elton hoping that they could find something big on him so he wouldn’t sue them. But Elton didn’t show any signs of giving up knowing that everything they said was a lie and he had the proof to back it up.
This made the sun lose sales and they wrote an apology for Elton on their front page and gave him the biggest pay-out in newspaper label history (1 million pounds).
In 2005, Cameron Diaz sued the sun for publishing a story claiming that she had an affair with her friend Shane Nickerson (at the time Shane was married and Cameron was dating Justin Timberlake).
They published this going off a barely recognizable photo and damaged their relationships. Cameron sued and was awarded an unknown amount of money.
The Sun is very racist and xenophobic towards immigrants, arabs, and even European countries. It routinely described the French as ‘Frogs’ and the Germans as ‘Krauts’ or ‘Huns’.
In 1985, they gave Michael Jackson a racist nickname “Wacko Jacko” (if you don’t know what it means look it up) which he hated. And to this day they still use it in their articles. Here’s an article from a few months ago.
Katie Hopkins, worked for the sun (do I need to say more?)
In 2018, The sun AGAIN published a story on Elton John and his husband that was not true, the article described an incident at their home in which a young girl on a play date was allegedly attacked by their dog and left with “Freddy Krueger-like injuries”
The story was not true, and The sun AGAIN issued an apology and paid for damages and Elton’s legal costs.
The sun published so many stories (and they still are) just to spread rumors about the sexual orientation of famous celebrities and public figures. 'Poofs of Pop' was a column just for this.
The sun also published so many homophobic articles. Even calling AIDS the gay plague.
In 2018, they critiqued actress Isobel Steele who is 17 SHES SEVENTEEN for not showing enough skin. the writer for this apologized and admitted that she didn’t know Isobel’s age when she wrote this (umm shouldn’t journalists do research?)
In 2020, JK Rowling wrote about her previous marriage on her blog and called it “violent”, the sun then interviewed her husband and published an article titled “I slapped JK and I’m not sorry” many DV charities and politicians criticized this for how badly they handled it.
"This reporting is unacceptable, glorifies domestic violence & disparages the millions of victims of domestic violence." Ed Davey member of parliament of the UK said about this about the article
Lazy people who don’t wanna do research: but wait this article is not from The Sun.
Ah sweetheart articles by any tabloid can’t and shouldn’t be taken as evidence for anything.
I can go on for days about how fucked up the articles published by the sun are but ain’t nobody got time for that.
Feel free to add to this thread cause we all know there’s so much more tea on the sun
Check out @CultStitch ‘s thread for more https://twitter.com/cultstitch/status/1280231075340529664
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