So I've been seeing a lot of things on the TL which carry some notions about feminism and I decided to write down a few things about how it has been misunderstood. It's a bit long but don't air. Please read. It's important. A THREAD
Whenever people ask me if I'm a feminist and I reply affirmatively,they roll their eyes like "Ah, you too". This reaction shows that the word 'feminist' has been associated with those who think they're better than men, which isn't true. The concept of feminism has been
misconstrued by a lot of people largely due to what we see online.
Now I also agree that there's a blanket expression for feminism these days. Many sub topics have arisen;many 'rules'. So many points of view and definitions that have made the concept more complex.
Some of these,I believe,are the reasons why there is always a disagreement on the subject. I,however have decided to define it from my own point of view.
I define feminism basically as the social,political and economic equality of the sexes. Which means that if a man can be the
head of a company or a President or anything at all,then I can too IF I'M WILLING TO PUT IN THE WORK. It also means that I should resist every form of oppression and abuse levelled at me by those with a certain physical advantage over me. Feminism was basically coined to help
women establish themselves in this male-dominated world.
Now like every good concept,it has also been corrupted by those who use it as a front.
• The ones who feel they should get what they want because they deserve it without working for it. They complain about a man getting a
particular position over them meanwhile they can't put in the same effort.
• Those who are quick to criticise the men but keep quiet when it comes to their own gender. These are the carries of double standards.
• Those who have issues with anything male-related. They believe
most men are predators so they jump on any story labelling them as one and begin to chant 'he is guilty' without verification. Even after it has been verified,as long as it vindicates the man,doubt lingers in their minds and they refuse to believe it.

I do not agree with these
set of people. They,I believe are toxic feminists and misandrists
But even as I say this,there are those guys who do not agree with anything feminist related. They hide behind these toxic feminists as an excuse but in reality they're comfortable in their male-dominated world.
They are not happy with anything that puts women at the forefront and so castigate them at every turn. They just don't rate women. They are misogynists. Some have such an archaic and backward mindset that I wonder if they know they're in the 21st century
Please all of these are
the opposition to feminism. Feminism isn't war against men. It's trying to get rid of the stereotype our society has about women. How far they can go. What should be their aspiration in life. That they can only be the support and not the supported. It's helping us break barriers
To speak up and not be silenced. It's to show we're smart too,we're innovative thinkers and that for those of us willing to put in the work,we should NOT be overlooked in favour of a man. It tells us that we should not keep quiet if we're being subdued,oppressed or violated. That
we shouldn't be judged on certain things or shamed just because we are women. But these can't be achieved if the scales aren't balanced. There's a lot of work to do especially in Africa where standards have already been set and change isn't welcome. There are a lot of women that
have been breaking barriers before and after the feminist movement,making us proud. But we would never have gotten there if we still had the mentality that only a certain gender could achieve certain things. We're not there yet,but the idea has been established.
That's what feminism is about. So please do away with thoughts like "She neva marry because na feminist". That's totally wrong.
And ladies please don't sit around waiting for a rich man to whisk you away. What are your goals and aspirations? What have you achieved?
Feminism supports success for females WITH HARD WORK. Both genders need each other for peaceful co-existence so please,this isn't a battle. I stand by the points given above and by being a Non-Toxic feminist who hates double standards favouring either gender.
Please let me reiterate: this is my perspective. Feel free to form yours. Comment your thoughts or opinions,add or subtract,whether you agree with me or not. Thanks✌

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