I think Twitter is such a joy. My advice - follow widely. Throw your ear trumpet open to the swarming sea of interesting people. Then block the racists, the sexists, the angry people, the screen shotters, the self righteous, the pile on creators and the cliques.
Be of service. Be an ear to listen to the underrepresented - to the quiet whispers of those saying something for the first time. Be a supporter of the first step takers - in their profession, or on twitter. Acknowledge the existence of those outside of your circle.
Don't think of it like a popularity contest, more a swarming torrent of enthusiasm and positivity. But if the cataract of opinion and chat becomes too much then turn on the notifications for those voices that calm and strengthen you.
Teaching can be a lonely game. Strange to spend so long in the company of people and yet feel alone. But here you will find company and understanding and if you need it, gentle grounding.
Photo things you are proud of, your classroom display, your masters certificate, your tidy tesk - anything. This is your space - be loud and proud. Don't let people tell you how to use it. Just be you. Or a polite, non sweary version of you. Whatever you like.
And twitter becomes amazing when at last we can meet people again. To become friends on here and then find that friendship extending into the real world is one of the very best things about this platform. I am truly blessed by the friendships I have made on here.
Remember a single coal burns out, but place it amongst others, whose heat and light encourage that coal, then it will burn on and on and on. So reach out. Follow. And enjoy. #edutwitter
Oh and another thing. You may feel professionally obligated to always show a happy and positive face. But we all know, this is unsustainable. So if you want to vent, then join a DM group and vent away. If doing so keeps you in the game, then it is to the benefit of the children.
You can follow @DrDavidBoyce.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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