Now that we have a FRESH Trumpomobster pardoned, let me show you how 2021 will play out - for ALL Trumpomobsters that Trump pardons (note, he also pardons OTHER monsters, this does not apply to those, like the Blackwater mercenary mass-murderers of civilians).

Case Chris Collins
So House Rep Chris Collins (R) was caught on INSIDER TRADING at the White House. Financial crime. He has now been pardoned by Trump among those 20 he just pardoned.

Collins admits his own guilt accepting the pardon.

AND he cannot 'plead the 5th' in his own defense about it
As it is a FACT a CRIME occured on White House property - Congress has EVERY right to investigate that crime, regardless of the pardon. Congress SHOULD know, to prevent any such crimes in future.

Joe Biden's White House WILL NOT object. The Dept of Justice WILL NOT object.
Congress will subpoena Chris Collins to testify. He cannot defy subpoena - Biden's AG is not Bill Barr. The DOJ will toss Collins in jail if he refuses to show up.

Collins CANNOT plead the 5th. He HAS to spill the beans on ALL of the crime of insider trading he was pardoned of.
In hearings of White House Insider Trading, Chris Collins HAS TO TELL TRUTH - or if he lies, it is NEW crime, for which Trump's pardon does not apply - & Collins goes to prison. He's not that dumb

It means - Collins has to identify EVERYBODY ELSE who participated in that crime!!
This means, by pardoning Chris Collins, Trump is now exposing DOZENS of other REPUBLICANS on insider trading - who ALL WILL DO TIME. Some of then know of TRUMP crimes - that they will SING, to get shorter sentences.

This includes all that Collins SPOKE TO ON THE PHONE
It is certain, that this INSIDER TRADING crime involved MORE people than just Chris Collins. Almost certainly, it involves Trumpomobsters from White House. Fair guess Trump himself was involved. Collins will rat out them all. He is now unable to protect anyone

Wrong move Trump!
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