I am not sure why we like to pretend socialism & communism are cure for racism. White anti-capitalists need to think a little deeper.
White supremacy is compatible with all political ideology & system. Simply assuming ending capitalism will be the end of racial stratification is very naive*.
Racial capitalism is real & white supremacy and capitalism inseparable. Granted. But the reality is that white supremacy fulfils more than material functions...
Extracting material functions from the psychological, the psychic & relational gives us this kind of simplistic and actually problem postulates.
As Audre Lorde taught us, we have no precedent of a socialist state not also being a racist state. Has this changed today? No?
I return again and again to the notion that white supremacy now exists within us and AND between us...and it will become manifest in whatever system we put in place, if left to its own devices.
If we accept we will inexorably reproduce racism & other hierarchisations whatever the system, we stand a better chance at building an anti-racist & equal society. Then we can better understand why the work of dismantling is not a one time event...it is a continuous process.
And this work will be necessary within any political system. Happy to be challenged.
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