I don’t really do pop-culture commentary but it’s the holidays and I can say whatever I want. About the Ariana Grande getting engaged yet again thing: it’s not a big deal and more people should actually get engaged multiple times, imo. Even married multiple times too!
Here’s the thing, the reason it seems like celebs get married and divorce way more than the rest of us really comes down to money! They have the financial freedom to make these decisions and if we did too, I think more people would do it. But we don’t because it’s expensive.
The feelings of love don’t always last forever and when you are in love, all those little love chemicals in your brain are so excited and you’re happy and so you make what seem like perfectly normal decisions to you: “i love this person and wanna be with them forever”.
But sometimes people fall out of love. Actually a lot of time people fall out of love. Or they realise they are not meant for each other or they grow apart. All normal stuff. Its just divorce is really expensive so most people end up staying together even when they shouldn’t.
Marriage is the ultimate public showcase of love and commitment and everyone (well not everyone but most) wants that. They want to show the world the love is real. But sometimes it stops being real and people get divorced and that’s fine, actually.
What I am saying is that if everyone had the means to financially sustain themselves and also take the financial hit of divorce, we would see a lot more divorce. We would see a lot less marriage too if we didn’t make it as this ultimate showcase of love.
I’ve been married multiple times and divorce was always a fairly easy decision for me because I had the financial means and the familial support. I’m in a happy and loving marriage now that will probably last forever but even if doesn’t it’s not a huge failure. It’s life.
& honestly, I know so many people who should not be married but they are because they don’t want to feel like a failure and they don’t have the financial means to be alone. They’re gonna be unhappy their entire lives because of the pressure we put on the concept of marriage.
So to be frank, I think celebs who get married often or get engaged often are probably doing what a lot of people would if they could. It’s just we can’t. Marriage is beautiful, ofc, but it’s important for all of us to start placing less value and less pressure on it.
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