On the subject of safety in TTRPGs, sharing a hard-learned lesson: it can be easy to conflate 'adheres to safety tools' and 'safe' - which makes it easy for people to exploit this. If someone follows whatever safety mechanics you use in-game, but still makes you feel (1/3)
...anxious/small/uncomfortable/not worth respecting, they are not acting as someone who is genuinely safe to play with would. And don't ignore how you're being made to feel just because they're following the tools - raise it, act on it, take steps to resolve it. (2/3)
(Just because concrete instances feel small, or the mistreatment can feel nebulous/slippery, doesn't mean you aren't justified in taking steps to stop it happening. Sadly, the mistreatment might be this way in order to exploit this feeling and discourage taking action.) (3/3)
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