I've come to the conclusion that the Fourth Battle of Tiamat is the greatest space battle ever depicted in any fictional medium. While it may not be the most enjoyable, as it takes place early on in LotGH and lacks the narrative importance of later space battles...
that certainly doesn't hold it back in any regards. It's a brilliant microcosm of the series to follow, the battles aren't just visual spectacles but provide a mechanism for intuitive character development, world building and showcasing the Operatic nature of the show...
One of the ways it achieves this is the beautiful use of pacing; rather than having a high octane, high action and volatile engagement the direct is a slow and methodical gradually increasing tension it builds towards the opening salvos. Even when the combat begins, thanks to...
the musical score in the background it's more akin to a ballet; and it's the use of the slow, soothing and escalating Bolero that cements The Fourth Battle of Tiamat as the epitome of space battles. As the narrative, tension and action perfectly correlate with the gradual...
increase the fires of battle rage on. Even when the action fades into the background, as commanders discussion how to proceed with the situation; the score continues to subtly increase the tension. The juxtaposition of these two elements helps immerse the audience in this...
beautifully immersive experience as with each development within the narrative is accompanied by a ratcheting up of the instrumentals playing away in the background...
Continuously complementing one another for the full 15 minute length; until eventually the narrative...
reaches it's zenith, the score it's crescendo as the sound of battle dissipates into this visual masterpiece.
Without a doubt, this is an example of an audio-visual masterpiece that acts an an example of how with amazing directing, stunning visuals, engaging narrative and an impressive score can combine to craft an accomplishment of the Space Opera genre, this is peak fiction. Thank you.
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