Are you a Developer looking for Developer Communities to join?

Here are some communities you can join.

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2. Hackernoon: Hackernoon is all about publishing technology news, blogs about programming, startups, and cryptocurrency. Hackernoon is the most diverse community and has articles about almost everything like AI, Data Science, Programming, etc. 
3. DEV Community: DEV is a community of software developers helping one another out. DEV provides a place for developers to collaborate and network while learning and sharing their knowledge. 
4. Stack Overflow: Stack Overflow is a Q&A site for programmers with tons of questions and answers on a wide range of topics in computer programming. It's mainly used for getting different resources you need. 
5.Code Newbie: Code Newbie is just a supportive community of programmers and people learning to code. It's mainly for people who are new to the developer ecosystem. 
6. Women Who Code: Women Who Code is a community of developers created to empower women in the technology field. It offers you solutions related to programming, jobs, and events where they can join and interact with other developers. 
7. Digital Ocean: Digital Ocean is a platform where Developers are supporting developers. If you have questions, a big idea, or something to share, their community is designed to help you. They want the open-source community to thrive. 
9. Reddit: Reddit is a powerful network of 330 million active users. You will never run short of content on Reddit. Reddit is a discussion website where people post links, images, or any blog post, and other people comment and vote it up and down. 
10. Product Hunt: Product Hunt is a community of featured amazing products launched every day. It's a place for product-loving enthusiasts to share and find out about the latest mobile applications, websites, hardware projects, and tech creations. 
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