From a scientific/medical perspective, closing schools “because covid” is the very least justifiable act in a long line of unsupported, damaging acts. Kids don’t get sick with SARS-COV-2. They’re very poor transmitters. They readily acquire immunity. They’re at much greater...
...risk from seasonal influenza & they can certainly infect others, including older family members with ‘flu. Sweden didn’t close primarily schools even in the vortex of the pandemic. No one became ill. Teachers & their families did better than other sectors of society. Better.
So please don’t speak of ‘risk’ & ‘precautionary principle’. We already know that keeping schools open is the lowest risk choice which can be made. By the way, it’s abusive & damaging to fur W children to wear masks. Legally they’ve no choice but to attend school when it’s open.
So mask mandates use force of law to make innocent children wear masks which, at very best, are neutral & save absolutely no one. At worst, they’re associated with increased risk of harms, not least psychological. In January, it is proposed all children be tested. This is a...
...monstrous intrusion on their bodily integrity. The state does not own children’s bodies, nor ours by the way. There has been no protocol submission to an ethics review panel. Where I am, it’s illegal to do what’s proposed & there are legal actions running round the world on...
...this very point. Quite aside from ethics & consent - and I recommend withdrawing your children on principle if the alternative, not to withhold consent, is not available - there is absolutely no value to anyone in testing millions of children, except to the testing companies,
...all of whom are privately held. If you child is ‘positive’ (or indeed ‘negative’) in a few weeks time, it’s completely without meaning. A positive test could be a false positive & there’s no way you’re going to learn that. It could be correct but (if it’s PCR) it could be...
...registering that they acquired & beat this - for them - irrelevant & harmless respiratory virus weeks ago. Or they might be carrying a few strands of virus RNA right then, but at too low a level either to be clinically infected or to be at risk of infecting others. Crucially..
...if they don’t have symptoms they’re fine & they’re not any risk to other people (asymptomatic transmission isn’t a thing either: you’ve just been lied to by people who want to keep you fearful & force you to wear masks).
So the only possible outcomes if you allow mass...
...testing of children in January. 1. You’ll make the private testing companies richer; 2. They’ll segregate your children into groups according to the results of these meaningless tests.
No possible benefit will accrue today your children, their classmates, their teachers and...
...schools, your family or community. I am further concerned that if it proves so easy to push their way into your children’s classrooms for this purpose, for which there is no ethics committee approval & when no medical benefits fall to your children, imagine how simple it...
...will be, if ‘authorities’ decide, arbitrarily, that other medical procedures are ‘required’ to be visited on them.
Parents, please: defend the bodies & minds of your children against this unjustified interference. They’re counting on you. No one else is going to defend them.
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