Do you still think that #Coronavirus #SARSCoV2 #COVID19 would ever go away like all the other viruses. Flu vaccine has already been proven to be ineffective in reducing mortality. You may need to think Brazilian times to get a shot 💉🤔🧐🤨
Human’s immune system didn’t have any training institute (BONE MARROW & THYMUS) before the advent of the vaccine 💉 that’s y they were all killed by viruses. We r all aliens 👽trying to get our immune system educated for every new virus 🦠🤔🧐🤨 #LearnTheRisk
#COVID19 "a huge commercial opportunity", says Pfizer
"US agencies are set to place an order for 500 million doses if the vaccine can be proven to work, and regulators will be setting the bar low usual safety tests will be bypassed”
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