Women pretend they don’t want to be looked after, when they’re used to not being looked after. Hyper independence is a trauma response
I didn’t say it’s right or wrong. I said wanting to do everything alone is a trauma response. Cause it is.
And this is obviously in the context of relationships. Acting like you’re okay with doing everything alone, when you’re meant to be in a partnership.

And I said hyper-independence. Not being independent in general.

And like I said .. I didn’t say it’s good or bad. Just a fact
It’s funny how I didn’t even mention finances. I was referring to being catered to in relationships, in the same way you cater for others. Pretending you don’t want love & care when you do.. is a trauma response

If you’re triggered and you wanna make your own narrative, say dett
If you don’t like relationships or you don’t want that right now, that’s okay. I’m not saying every woman has to be looked after or catered to by a man. I’m saying being in a relationship and giving, but not being able to receive.. isn’t okay. It’s okay to recognise our traumas
And this entire thread is applicable to people in general. Not just women. That’s just the topic I was discussing when I made the first tweet. Anyone can be hyper independent. & I’m not shading anyone either. It’s just recognising where our trauma’s can come from
And i’m also not condoning codependency. Just saying that everyone deserves to be with someone they can rely on. That’s what partnerships are about, teamwork.

I’m not explaining this anymore. You can argue with psychology 👍🏽
Imma leave this here https://twitter.com/speedfromtx_/status/1341774894388944898
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