Of all the inexcusable pardons thus far, those of the Blackwater killers is by far the worst. They slaughtered 14 unarmed civilians, were held accountable for their crimes-- and now will go free.

Brief thread on why you should care:
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Why you should care that Donald Trump just pardoned four mercenaries convicted of killing 14 unarmed civilians in #Iraq:

First, justice. According to the US government, "None of the victims was an insurgent, or posed any threat." Several were kids. Not one was a combatant.
Second, precedent. One of the toughest things we ask service-members to do is uphold the law, even when their own lives are at risk. The Blackwater slaughter undermines this: Why should an 18-year-old private follow the rules, when former-military mercs are given a free pass?
Third, direct impact. The Nisour Square Massacre enflamed #Iraq, and the region. Many other civilians, and many US troops, were killed in the weeks that followed. If one is (perversely) only concerned about US lives: How many *Americans* died because of these mercenaries?
Four, stain on America. The FBI called this the "My Lai massacre of Iraq." Just as the original My Lai remains a blot on America's reputation, so does Nisour Square.

Both should. We are all responsible for crimes committed in our name.
Five, morality. The 14 civilians killed by the men whom Donald Trump pardoned were human beings. They posed no threat to anyone. Their killers were sentenced to 30 years, or life. And now they'll be right-wing celebrities.

This is so deeply, deeply, profoundly wrong.
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