No, Trump can't magically institute martial law under the Insurrection Act. Stop being the kind of gullible fucking morons who fall for these empty impossible threats. He's crippled, powerless, and finished, but you're handing him leverage by cowering to him like this. JUST STOP.
If you think that lamenting and fretting and cowering are activism, then you're not an activist. You're dead weight. You're the reason the rest of us couldn't finish Trump off sooner. Take your hand wringing and go far away from here, so the rest of us can win this.
When you desperately search for unrealistic or impossible things to fret over, you're not being "vigilant." You're being gullible. You're a fucking joke. And you're severely harming your own side. You're playing right into the other side's hands. Get off the battlefield.
You think I'm being rude? How rude are you being by trying to cost us everything we've worked for these past four years, just because you're so addicted to the adrenaline rush of cowering to Trump? Get over yourself, realize we won, realize he's finished, and come to reality.
We destroyed Trump. We can destroy McConnell by putting in the work required in these next two weeks to win the runoffs. Yet many of you are acting as though Trump won the election and defeated us. It's 1) embarrassing, 2) not mentally competent, and 3) harmful to our cause.
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