We do find many repeated questions raised about the Congress, its leadership, and the roles played by Rahul and Gandhi family.

Many such questions are based on distortions, fallacies, outright lies which are floated around on misconceived notions and mischievous agenda.
Fascist forces are employing all their might to wean away, weaken Congress by adopting every possible, unimaginable and unethical move, the internal election is not a top priority. Such steps should be carefully planned and laid out.

There is a dire need to show more unity.
Congress leaders despite getting experience in governing and using their talents, have failed to become mass leaders taking root to their ground.

Their shortsighted approach damaged the Congress; foiled emergence of mass leaders outside Gandhi family with countrywide acceptance.
Instead, they formed groups within and indulged in power bargaining.

Gandhi’s family is too good, soft, considerate, hearty with so much love for their country, people, and fellow Congressmen to initiate hard measures.
The image of Rahul portrayed as naive by the media, others including some congressmen are deceptive; perhaps deliberate.

He is a strong person who clearly focussed on his path and target without any trace of ambiguity/ doubt.
Rahul has taken quite a long time to settle down in his political innings...Whether he would be able to live up to the challenge...He has taken his time out of his choice.

One has to dig deeper into the circumstances and his characteristics to understand his position.
What Rahul has gone through by way of criticisms, insults, mockery, branding etc is unlimited and unending. Still, he stands on his legs, looks straight at your face; speaks the truth; sets his path in measured steps reveals volumes about the strength of his character.
He has shown his firmness, clarity in thinking. It may be difficult to break his fortitude & resolve.

Modi & Co are presently stronger not because of their character and ethics but for the lack of it.

Rahul should take charge of Congress again to untie the Gordian knot.
Congress and its leaders should know that they need Rahul and Gandhi’s family more. The reverse assumption is not true.

It now rests on party leaders to lead, light, and ignite but should not implode or explode. They should use these energies to rejuvenate, resurrect Congress.
There is a need for all to rally behind Rahul setting aside personal animosities and ambition. It is a question of winning the trust of the people.

How it happens, how long it takes, how quickly their opinion and the political scenario changes are very unpredictable.
The above excerpts are part of my old blog: 'Congress and Rahul – Invisible truths' - 01 Sep 2020 (edited to keep it relevant in the present context.)

Most of the times Truth needs repetition, reminders.

Link for the full blog post: https://wp.me/p8Fpl7-7D 
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