Freud's project is to, following the invention of 19th century empirical science, observe the transcendental I (inner sense) and make theories of it. His mistake of course is that you cannot observe someone's inner world, you have to bring it out.
Which means that of course the psychoanalyst is really talking about himself and not independently observing an object like a real scientist right? Well, yes of course but this is true of literally any possible psychology.
The transcendental I (inner experience, what we might take to be the subject of psychology) can never talk about itself obejctively, because objects are independent of the I. Of course this I cannot be independent of itself.
Hegel is VERY wise to this which is why his philosophy is historically persistently relevant but this thread isnt about Hegel.
Contra to psychology, cognitive science has another subject. Its just treating the I as dependent on something it can independently observe (physics of the body). It makes no attempt to theorize about the I.
Now Félix Guatarri is quite wise to all of this. He knows psychoanalysis has this severe implicit error, but he knows that this does not make it wrong or worth throwing out, else you just cant talk about the I, but lo and behold it exists.
Schizoanalysis makes two fascinatingly sharp moves. It functions as psychoanalysis' auto-critique, and enunciates this, and tries to mitigate by insisting it must take a subject on their own terms.
It also constructs a pseudo-physics that tries to mimic the schema of cognitive science, justified by the same assumption of cognitive science: everything obeys the laws of physics. This takes the form of using words like "machinic" and "code" all over the place.
Guattari is one of the first to really call the mind a computer in this sense but he goes further. The bits in the schizoanalytical machine are meanings, symbols. Autonomous/sovereign singularities of kantian concepts that all have their own set of rules of how they fit together
This is of course what the schizoanalytic diagram, but schizoanalysis knows that there is motion. Guattari talks a lot about the speed of thought in What is Philosophy.
So in this schema the world takes the form of a giant (abstract) machine for symbol processing and this is the metaphysical framework of A Thousand Plateaus.
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