I’m so glad I changed my mind, went with my instincts and bought an iPhone 12 Pro Max so I could be a part of any work that was being done on Lidar in a blindness context. I just used Seeing AI’s new World Channel, and to be honest, it was quite an emotional experience.
Walking around and hearing objects around you is not new, but hearing exactly where they are, with the name of each object spoken in its correct position in the stereo spectrum, is amazing. It’s particularly cool when a person comes into view and you know exactly where they are.
Microsoft has done a truly good thing backing Seeing AI in the way that it has, and the idea came from a blind person, proving yet again that “nothing about us without us” is the mantra for technology and life in general.
I know there are others working on blindness-related Lidar projects. I wish them all well, this is an exciting field which will only become more so once Apple release their glasses.
You can follow @JonathanMosen.
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