
Worrying article. Among other things it cites a CIO saying: “The Fed has created an expectation of a bailout,” adding that it, “almost doesn't matter” what other indicators of debt or leverage show. The Fed must keep interest rates low to prevent... https://www.ft.com/content/7fa7e230-5a8f-4a65-b8b7-ecd603a2a3d1

a surge in financial distress, in other words, but keeping interest rates low will only encourage asset price bubbles and a further debt buildup.

We worry a great deal about how moral hazard has completely distorted credit markets in China, but much the same thing has...

been happening in the US and Europe, if not to quite the same extent. This strikes me as a very strong argument as to why the US should shift from a monetary response to weak demand growth to a fiscal response. The former is likely to continue worsening the country’s...

debt burden while the latter can improve it.
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