Y'all ever noticed how, in recent weeks, the goalposts for who can be a lesbian have suddenly moved among BLERFs? It used to be "if you're attracted to men (or people we perceive as anything other than women or women-lite), you can't be a lesbian", but now it's "if any part of-
-your label for your attraction has the potential to include people who are attracted to those we perceive as anything other than women or women-lite, you can't be a lesbian" and since the term mspec can include those attracted to people other than those perceived as women or-
-women-lite, mspec wlw/nlw/nln can't call themselves lesbians. This is absolutely atrocious as it continues to act as if all mspec wlw/nlw/nln are attracted to men, harms aspec lesbians, and also literally contradicts the umbrella term they say all wlw/nlw (not nln of course -_-)
fit in, sapphic. Sapphic can include those attracted to men. They say all lesbians are sapphic. So lesbians can't be... Lesbians? Of course, they've also started saying sapphic is just a label, not a sexuality (the erasure of acespecs is not lost on us). Which ignores that 1. all
orientations are labels, and 2. Just like how nonbinary is both an umbrella term AND its own gender, sapphic is also both an umbrella term AND its own orientation.
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