Not sure what it is that gives boys the idea that they can invade a girl's space. It starts from a young age I bet doing things like pulling a girl's hair or pushing girls down on the playground.

Excusing it as some sort of courtship, and we will just accept it as normal.
Eff that! I remember during that same dance as a 13-year-old girl having boys do that stuff to me. I remember at a middle school dance where boys thought it was cool to grab my ass while I was dancing with someone else.
What was I supposed to do when I objected and the guy called me a slut to my face. Proceeded to chuckle it up with his friends.

Again it's people who can't control themselves that give guys a bad name. It just snowballs because nobody tells them it's fucked up to do.
As a woman, you get older and you make the decision to not put up with it and fight back after the constant harassment. I broke this boy's nose in high school after he pinned me against a locker to show off in front of his friends.
It gets you labeled as an angry person but sometimes you have to let them know not to mess with you. So, when I see people get mad at women who are strong it doesn't make sense to me.

You push people to the edge how do you think they are gonna react eventually.
Being a strong woman should never be a bad thing or a detriment. You have a right to your space and you have every right to defend it.
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