How to play BGW18& DGW19 without any chip?

However, I do not have WC1 and I am reluctant to use chip at this earlier stage of the season. I will explain how I will use my next few transfers to maximize the utilization. My current team is here in the picture.
First, let me share my previous experience with you. There were so many times in the past when single GW players outscored the DGW players. For example, if we consider Dier Vs SHU in DGW 19 Vs Justin (SOU & Chelsea), I may go for Dier as potentially both may give equal points.
Guys, this is not all about how many double GW players you do have in your team, it is all about how many effective double GW players you have(Salah, Fernandes, TAA). As we considering people will play chip, we know some players who are must have to avoid red arrow for the team.
The same goes for the BGW team. It is not all about how many players you do have, it's all about players you have who might bang the big haul. I will try to analyze these ideas by explaining how I will tackle these two GWs with my team. I have 2m ITB and 1 FT from now on.
BGW Explanation:

Let me first discuss the five games of BGW. From New Vs SHU, people will try to bring only Wilson and he has a high potential to bang. This match may end up1-1 or 1-0 in favor of the New and less goal-fest. From the Wolves Vs Everton match, I assume
DCL is on everyone's team. From Everton side, he must be considered and Neto+ podence will be considered from Wolves side. But I do not see this match as high scoring as well. The next two matches of MCI and Spurs are important and I think managers will bring 6 players from these
two teams. I do have 4 players from these two teams and I will bring another player from city side soon to cover those FH teams during this time. The Zaha pick seems only decent from the arsenal CP match. I do not have any and I will not buy any.
I have Martinez, Dier, Kane, Son, DCL, Stones, Grealish, and I will bring another city asset. I am happy with these 8 players to feature for this BGW. I will be only scared of Wilson and one city premium player who can score big but saving this FH will be huge earner in future.
DGW Explanation:

My target for this DGW is to get an average point and maintain my OR which is around 20k overall. My team is in a very good shape and I want to play this team for the next 10-12 Gws. That is why I decided not to break the combination as I will never get this
combination due to lack of team value. So, If can manage 7-8 DGW players and those three spurs maestro to play for DGW19, I will be more than happy. From this GW to DGW, I will have 4 FT and I have 1 FT already. I will use 1 FT to bring city asset for BGW, and I will try
to bring 4 DGW players before the DGW19. My Son, Kane, and DCL is not going anywhere even though they have SGW. My 2m from the bank will be invested to bring cheap DGW players like Balbuena, Mendy, Bowen, Neto, Pulisic, James, etc. Finally, my team will have 7-8 DGW players &
Kane, Son, Dier. I am happy with Salah captaincy option as I think most of the managers will captain Salah. I always play my game calculative not quantitively. When everyone was removing Martinez and Grealish, I played with 9 players on that GW and scored 87 points from them.
Hence, proved that number of players is not a factor as only 5-7 players return each GW no matter if 9 players play or 11 players. The other 2 pointers are negligible.

This is my plan so far. I will hold my chip for later stages as I do not want to destroy my team & FH as well.
Thank you all for reading this thread. I hope this will help to navigate your upcoming GWs.

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