🌺Hai.... This is applicable to twitter holders also. Select out whichone you are....😚☺🌺

*SM group results are out...which one are you*❓

*1. SM Rooster:* 😀
Everyday wishing
Everyone good
morning and waking
them up
is their favorite
job... They go quiet
after this.

*2. SM Baba :* 🤢
They send only
messages of God and
give discourses.

*3. SM Thief :* 👻
They copy other
messages and forward
as them.
*4 . SM Devadas :* 🤓
They always send
painful and sad
messages and poems...
and make everyone
else sad.

*5. SM news reporter :* 😎
They update everyone
about what's happening
in the world.
*6. SM Vidushak :* 🤗
No matter how sad
their life is they keep
replying to everyone
and keep laughing.

*7. SM Mauni Baba:* 😷
They read everyone's
messages silently but
never reply... Many are
these people exist
in the group.

*8. SM Thinkers :*😇
They try to change
people by sending good
purposeful messages.

*9. SM Poet n Poetess :*✍🏻
These people don't
know anything other
than poems and bore
others with theirs.
You can follow @VasaviNarayanan.
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