Brett going into Teacher Mode: A Thread.

I'm not referring to the times he's taught a random person a song on violin in 5 minutes for a video or concert. I'm talking about the legit Teacher Of Your Weekly Lessons Brett (which is the dream, basically).
So. In the adult beginner reaction video Brett makes an observation and Eddy responds:
First off: aww, Eddy. But then they both agree that Brett 1) has a lot more teaching experience and 2) is better at teaching beginners. Interesting.

By "interesting" I mean "heyyy I should overanalyze the shit out of this" and by this point what do you expect from me honestly
Eddy (Professor Chen! With his own channel full of violin tutorials!) defers to him on the normal learning curve/difficulty level you'd typically expect from somebody only a month in:
(Personal guess, but I think Eddy probably feels more comfortable teaching students who are at an intermediate or higher level. But back to Brett.)
The idea of Brett teaching violin to a bunch of little kids is already more charming than a basket of puppies but when they react to this little girl he CANNOT CONTAIN IT

"Seitz!" - he instantly points out the tricky part coming up - "Double stops..."
He's taught that piece before. A lot. I mean good god LOOK -

"Rhythm…" and then he reflexively lifts his hand to prompt her to come in on time THROUGH THE LAPTOP SCREEN - "She knows." Yep, he's worked with students on this a thousand times.
Oh hey I've seen that from him before. "This. Is. The. Proper. Rhythm."

I don't know about you but that look on his face made me snap to attention REALLY quickly
I would bet a lot of money that I don't have on him having said "Slur, separate separate" to students at least 7826 times. "Slur, separate separate" probably haunts his dreams.
And I can absolutely picture him patiently "Down, down, up up DOWN up"-ing along with his students' playing.

(Delightful Aussie Accent Alert on the words "bow" and "though")
That preemptive "Slurs..."
And he definitely knows the repertoire progressions/milestones like the back of his hand.

(You're thinking about his hands now, aren't you?)
In short, if I ever learn violin I want Brett to teach me first and once he's gotten me to the point that I stop making dying cat noises I want Eddy to spend 95% of every lesson telling me the 8000 different approaches I can take to improve my vibrato.

I need a drink.
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