🔥The OFFICIAL MM guide to flexing on Money Twitter (the correct way) w your $600 stim check🔥

Everyone knows The magician of Riga was my favorite chess player.


He was knowing for creating illusions on the board.

And what better illusion is there then convincing your Twitter friends that you got it like that

- when you don’t.

Here are the Do’s and Dont’s.

Wealth is relative -

Spending lots of money on TRIVIAL items will give your audience the illusion of it

Hooks Cheese goes for 40 bucks a pound.
Spending 40 bucks/pound on cheese allows your audience to use their imagination.

If he can afford that much on CHEESE, how much is he spending (per pound) on bitches?

Let their mind ponder.

NEVER confirm or deny anything.
Expensive alcohol.

Another great way to fool your audience

The key here is to be SUBTLE, bottle hiding in the background.

Make them zoom in to see it.

Bonus Tip: To accentuate it further, place it next to a 15 cent ramen.

Consider blocking @GondorffShaw if you’re in the business of flexing.

Last thing you want is to get out-flexed by the top comment
You can follow @themoderntal.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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