Normally, when someone *suddenly* gets all gushy about their spouse on social media, you should be very worried. There's a connection between increased social media praise & DV.
However, #TheVulcan has worked his ass off to heal a real wound in our marriage, & I think it's worth
...getting a little gushy over. *It's not easy* taking care of a sick spouse in the best of times. However, before he was treated for ADHD & OCD, this was a genuine source of trauma for me, that I had to deal with in therapy: he could not handle me being sick. I was stuck on bed with all 4 pregnancies, too nauseous to move, & it made him angry. Not angry at me, but that his *plans had to change.* I remember during my last pregnancy w/ #TheSupergirl, I thought, "If I ever get cancer, or become disabled, I'm in big trouble." That's scary AF.
However, once he got the OCD treated, he didn't understand *why* he ever felt that way. I started pushing back any time the old habits popped up: "I have a right to be sick. It happens to everyone, & it's out of my control. I'm not going to continue to press on & harm my body,
...just so you won't be inconvenienced." He got the message. Last year, when a decade of sleep deprivation finally caught up with me, he took over all morning kid preparations, & let me sleep as long as I needed to. And now, for the last 6 weeks, he's done every thing he could make sure I'm comfortable & cared for.
I hate how slowly I'm recovering, but I know I'm okay, & the kids are okay.
So, if I'm gushy, it's because I feel like I'm living a miracle.
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