I don’t have The ScreamCast anymore but I’m using this thread to highlight the best physical media releases of 2020. There was a ton.
LENZI/BAKER boxset from Severin Films. This was a huge highlight for me because of Baker’s work with Lenzi (and her Italian films in general) have been among my favorites. ORGASMO, SO SWEET...SO PERVERSE, A QUIET PLACE TO KILL and KNIFE OF ICE all have wonderful extras/transfers.
TREMORS 4K UHD. Perfect. Wonderful packaging, presentation, and transfer. Thank you Arrow for ALWAYS knocking it out of the park.
ZOMBIE. Blue Undergound is knocking it out of the park with their 4K UHD releases. I’ve seen this on every format possible and even prints in the theatre. Watching this release felt watching it for the first time again. Beautiful.
FLASHDANCE. When Paramount Presents announced these I honestly thought they would be old masters dumped on a disc. Nope. This flick has been a favorite of mine and is one of the films that inspired me to be a dancer. Looks great but the sound/music are incredible.
CISCO PIKE. Indicator did a great job on this release and was happy to finally have a decent HD copy of the film.
THE LAST WALTZ. Eureka/Masters Of Cinema did a wonderful job on this one and was happy to have such a killer set.
DAWN OF THE DEAD. No words for this one. Absolutely beautiful and probably one of the best jobs of 2020.
EL BRUTO. I love that VCI is giving Luis Bunuel some attention. Decent work on this one but didn’t get enough attention for a great flick.
PRIMAL RAGE. One of my favorite 80s flicks got released this year by Dark Force. Not the best presentation but a decent transfer of a crazy ass flick. Love it.
THE WILLIAM GREFE COLLECTION. I said goddamn. I never thought this would ever happen but I’m so fucking stoked it did. One of the best things of 2020. Arrow is amazing.
TOP GUN. I’m not a big fan of this movie but this 4K UHD presentation is one of the better releases out of everything. Just an incredible piece of work.
PARIS BURNING. Really loved that Criterion gave this movie some love and did a wonderful restoration on the film. A wonderful doc on the African American and Latin drag scene in the 80s in NY.
THE BRIDE WITH WHITE HAIR. Really loved this got some attention this year. Celebrate Ronny Yu’s filmography more please. Great release, too.
The Mary Millington Collection. Still can’t get over this was released. Wonderful presentation and some GREAT work. Perfect.
MY BLOODY VALENTINE. It was nice to see this film get the treatment is deserves. Love that extended cut.
BURST CITY. Again, Arrow is a powerhouse. Decent transfer of a film that needs to be seen by everyone.
AGNES VARDA collection. Just perfect all around. What a wonderful filmmaker.
THE WOMAN IN BLACK. Great packaging and a GREAT transfer to are mediocre film but what a wonderful presentation.
BEYOND THE DOOR. I was so happy this got a better Bluray release. Yes, it’s a “ripoff” but a good standalone flick for sure filled with crazy moments. Arrow always delivers.
PITCH BLACK. Arrow’s push for 4K UHD is the best. Glad to see this film get the attention it’s deserves and the treatment instead of shotty releases prior.
CANNIBAL APOCALYPSE. Kino killed it with this release and transfer. What a beautiful picture to an insane movie.
DANGEROUS CARGO. Mondo Macabros push for Greek Cinema to be recognized is one of a kind. Pete Tombs is a savior of cinema. What a great release.
AMERICAN RICKSHAW. Cauldron Films debut was great and look forward to what else they work on. Decent transfer with wonderful packaging. Cant wait to see what else they come up with.
THE SPECIALISTS. Eureka giving Corbucci the time of day with one of his best flicks out there. Great release.
ENDLESS NIGHT. Hell yeah. Definitely pick this up. Beautiful transfer/restoration.
BLADE. One of my most anticipated releases and it didn’t disappoint. The blood race was next level with this new transfer. They knocked it outbid the park with this one.
HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY. Blue Underground at it again making these films look amazing. Another GREAT UHD release. This is what the format is all about.
FRANKY AND HIS PALS. Was very happy to upgrade to a legit release of this charming and weird film. Love the work that went into the special features of this one as well. Great job Severin/Intervision.
DREAM DEMON. Awesome of Arrow to give this movie the attention it deserves with the cut that has been passed around for ages. Thank you.


What a tremendous release and transfer into this beautiful 4K UHD release.
EDGE OF THE AXE. Stoked to have one of my favorite given the special treatment. The bloodshed has never looked better.
EQUATION TO THE UNKOWN. Another amazing release by Altered Innocence of a film that deserved to be seen by many. What an incredible film and wonderful restoration.
COLD LIGHT OF DAY. Arrow continues to be one of the best. Loved that they brought this film to a wider audience with an amazing presentation. It’s just a shame that Fhiona-Louise didn’t make more movies. What an incredible filmmaker.
AL ADAMSON boxset. Severin should win a lifetime achievement award for this one. Such a beautiful work of art. Perfect.
BACK TO THE FUTURE trilogy. Another wonderful display of what 4K UHD can do.
WAXWORKS. Eureka goddamn. What a time to be alive to have something so special. Another perfect release.
SATAN’S SLAVE. Severin killed it with this one. Bring more Indonesian films over please and thank you.
VERSUS. Glad to see VERSUS get this treatment. It looks so close to that 35mm print I saw years ago. Love the new look of what Kitamura intended. Nailed it.
ESCAPE FROM LA. Was very happy to see a 4K scan of the OCN for this one. Yes, it’s silly but long deserved presentation of a wacky and fun flick.
BRUCE LEE COLLECTION. No introduction needed. One of the best releases of the year from Criterion.
COME AND SEE. Love that this film has a wider audience now. Just prepare yourself. Beautiful work on this release, too.
SATANICO PANDEMONIUM. Hell fucking yeah. Mondo Macabro killed it with this one. Great job.
JAWS. What a gorgeous 4K UHD release. Absolutely perfect.
MANIAC and THE NEW YORK RIPPER. Two amazing releases celebrating 4K UHD. Blue Underground is on a roll.
ALPHABET CITY. Fun City hits HARD with their Blu-ray debut with stunning work in this release.
FLASH GORDON. It’s not the best movie in the world but this is one hell of a package from Arrow. Amazing release.
DAUGHTERS OF DARKNESS. Last on our list is probably one of the best looking 4K UHD discs we’ve ever had. I’m still in shock how amazing this one looks.
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