A Short Thread:
Circles by Mac Miller and It’s Importance for Me

If you have been following me for a while, you know my love for Circles and how it is AOTY for me. This comes to it having so much meaning and helping me through dark times. Even if it only just came out 11 months ago, it’s had a big impact on me and I’d like to share it.
Also, I’m not gonna go into much details about my life but I’ll do a surface level like type of review. Idk I just felt inspired to do some shit like this lol.

Mac’s passing really hurt even if I had just barely started to listen to his music before his passing and when I found out Circles was dropping I was happy. I was going through one of my worst when Good News dropped and that song just made me feel even more sad (1/2)
but I loved it and ever since I heard it, I knew Circles would be special. (2/2)

I was back in college after a bad first semester where I ended up with bad grades as I went through a lot of shit through that semester. The worst 5 months of my life. So I was studying and I started listening and it was very therapeutic to me (1/2)
to the point where I would feel cleared from any stresses or terrible feeling I was dealing with. I played it over and over so many times until it became my go-to album when I was feeling down. I had never felt like this with any other album not even Blonde. (2/2)

Its been a tough year with all the COVID shit and lockdowns and all the stresses I had to get out of academic probation so I could stay with my scholarship and Circles really helped me through it. It always helped to relax me even though it made me feel emotional. (1/2)
This made me learn how much music has an impact on my life, something I had never though of at all, hence why I really made this account. (2/2)

Mac Miller’s Circles has helped me survive this year which has some of my best and worst moments in all my life, which has been pretty tough. I wish he were still here on Earth with us. I hope he’s in a better place.
Thank you all if you read this thread. This is very personal but idk, I felt like sharing without many details to the issues I had. Much love ❤️.
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