1/ Late Monday, Congress passed a comprehensive omnibus spending package that:

•Funds the federal government through FY 2021

•Provides a new round of #COVID19 relief and economic stimulus

•Imposes new restrictions on #SurpriseMedicalBilling
2/ As shown here AMA High-Level Summary of the No Surprises Act: https://tinyurl.com/y9rswzv7 ,

The surprise billing provisions include several important improvements over a proposal that was circulated last week, which include the following:
•Clarification that an upfront, initial payment or notice of denial is required from the plan to the physician;

•An increase in the time for a physician to pursue independent dispute resolution (IDR), from 2 to 4 days;
•Prohibition against considering public program rates like Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare during the IDR process; and

•Elimination of problematic timely billing provisions.
5/ With respect to COVID relief, the legislation would ease the impact of Medicare fee schedule budget neutrality adjustments due to improved E/M office visit payment and coding rules, as well as an extension of the 2% Medicare sequester moratorium through March 2021.
6/ For an AMA high level summary of selected significant sections omnibus spending provisions: https://tinyurl.com/y8vcnn3k 

For a table estimating impact of the Medicare payment changes (excluding the sequester moratorium extension): CY2021 combined impact: https://tinyurl.com/y93k4elh 
7/ In the closing days of the 116th Congress, Federation groups and @AmerMedicalAssn physician members confronted some extraordinary challenges beyond those directly associated with the #COVID19 #pandemic.
8/ Thanks to combined strength and close collaboration, medicine faced these challenges head on and this final legislative package shows meaningful results. 

We look forward to continuing this good work in the New Year.
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