2 of my sisters came by tonight and Christmas caroled and dropped presents by. One was just a brown bag that they told me not to open just yet. Then they sang a song that pulled at my memory, and I could sing along with parts of it. And I knew what was in the bag... 1/x
We grew up going to a small Baptist church. Building was 100+ years old. And addition was made when I was a boy that gave us a fellowship hall that had window unit air conditioning. That was a major thing, and I include it to explain how poor the church was... 2/x
Hard wooden pews. I remember when those were traded in for padded ones. VBS was always a big deal. The Christmas pageant was a big deal. The second song my sisters sang tonight was one from those Christmas programs.

After the Christmas programs, which were packed... 3/x
All kids were given a bag on the way out of church. The bag never changed. It always included an apple, an orange, some nuts, and miscellaneous old people candy that had been dropped in. Ribbon candy. Spiced Gum drops. Everything tasted like licorice... 4/x
You might get one precious piece of a chocolate cordial with the coconut goo filling. Nothing was individually wrapped. But you knew the kind old ladies had worked hard to create these bags. And fact is, it was the only treats some kids would get at Christmas. 5/x
It was a poor little church that has been replaced with a new building. I have people buried in the adjacent cemetery. I have never forgotten the Christmas bags of kindness, even if I only half remember the songs we sang the night we got them. 6/x
I try to teach my kids about simple joys. I hope I can teach them to be grateful, even when all the candy tastes like black licorice. My older girls seemed to appreciate my reaction, even if they don't fully understand why my eyes got misty. 7/x
They'll have their own things that will be lost to time. Hopefully the kids will be kind enough to remind each other of those things when they are in the back half of their lives.

Be good to each other.

Glory to God in the highest. And on Earth, Peace and goodwill to men. 8/8
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