Organize in your communities ASAP. After Jan 06 the left is going to go wild and it is coming to your neighborhood. Rose City Antifa and other like-minded groups are already planning. Dont be caught alone facing 50 armed people. Organize for the safety of your friends and family.
When I say organize I mean plan and establish a framework with neighbors. Saying "everyones armed" is just the level of complacency theyre looking for. You better get serious real quick. Because the left isnt going to wait on you and will exploit every advantage.
Know when to stay indoors, know when to leave an area, know if your local depts are 4min away or 14. Is everyone in your neighborhood group available on any given night or are you at 50% on your roster? Backup generator? Full tank of gas? Anything YOU require YOU must plan for.
Uncle Andy's .270 is great and all but your mindset is way more important. You arent a platoon of riflemen. Youll be dads and moms, grandparents and neighbors protecting your children, the elderly, each other, and your homes. They ARE organized. They ARE planning. So should you.
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