This will take me days, if not weeks. I am going through the Omnibus to document all the money designated for regime change wars. This is the beginning of an ongoing list.
$730 million for the State Department to teach English abroad, to train those new English speakers to be "story tellers", and to finance their "story telling".
Over $1 billion dollars for the State Department to finance "rebel" groups in the Middle East and North Africa. Important - this is not part of the NDAA. It's in the State Department's budget.
$180,000,000 to finance political uprisings abroad... in the name of democracy.
$908,000,000 to a PRIVATE corporation who functions WITHOUT OVERSIGHT to influence the development of developing countries, in the name of anti-corruption, via private sectors.
$1,410,665,000 to the State Department to hire mercs to fight the War on Drugs and to train/provide assistance to others to fight the War on Drugs south of the border... which includes overthrowing corrupt governments who enable the drug market.
$110,875,000 to train foreign civilians to take over control of their country's military.
So... that seems to be all of the obvious regime change efforts included in the State Department's budget. Notable: At the bottom is a clause that says no money will be given to a country AFTER a coups d’état, UNTIL they've held a "democratic election".
There's other stuff in the State Dept budget that's pretty shady, but I'm trying to limit this list to regime change war efforts. Total so far: $4,421,436,000. And that doesn't include how much we spend to arm terrorists in the Middle East.
As far as arming terrorists (aka 'rebels') in the Middle East, things are a bit murky. Under "Funds Appropriated To The President" for "foreign military financing program" ... a ton of money is given to the Executive Office to pretty much let him serve as an arms dealer.
For arms dealing: $6,109,121,000, of which $350,678,000 is designated for the War on Terrorism. Basically: We give certain people GRANTS to buy American made weapons. And no less than $805,300,000 is earmarked for Israel.
If you include that last part... that is more than ten billion bucks given to the State Department, to foment and finance dirty civil wars. Ten billion... and that is in ADDITION to the NDAA. None of this is in the NDAA.
More than $2 billion in our agriculture budget, for establishing spy networks and dissident supply lines in third-world countries... in the name of democracy, under the guises of humanitarianism & women's rights.
It occurs to me, that this is why neither Obama nor Trump were able to end the Forever War. Neither of them understood how the regime-change war machine worked. Maybe they thought that since they weren't ordering things, nothing was happening...
And they weren't seeing regime change war funding in the NDAA. But the regime change war machine is on auto pilot... and the State Department, not the DOD, is the seat of it all.
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