New editors in-chief: Rachel Boertjens, curator of Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana; @BartWallet, historian at Vrije Universiteit & University of Amsterdam; David Wertheim, director of Menasseh ben Israel Institute; & Irene E. Zwiep, prof of Jewish Studies @ University of Amsterdam
It’s a revival/renewal of the journal, returning to its roots as the premier journal for Dutch Jewish history. The four EiCs represent a swath of research across Netherlands (well, Amsterdam).
(Sorry, got distracted at the beginning of the Intro to the issue that discusses the first Hebrew book printed in Amsterdam and had to go see if we have it @columbialib. Alas, not that one, but we do have Ma'aneh Lashon, printed the same year: 
"In ways that book historians have yet to map comprehensively, the very decade that saw Amsterdam's take-over as "Bookshop of the World" also saw its emergence as the Jewish bookshop of the world." (p.10)
"As historians of the early modern Low Countries have placed the Book (....) at the heart of Dutch Golden Age culture, so book history has offered multiple vantage points for surveying and understanding many of the most significant developments of Dutch Jewish History" YES!! (11)
Seriously, just the footnotes are a basic introduction to Jewish book history. This is so awesome.
You think Amsterdam history only impacted Northern Europe and N. Africa? Nope, also as far as Hebron, as indicated in Oded Cohen's article about Mordekhai Tama, who traveled from there to print his grandfather's commentary and published Judeo-Arabic in translation to Hebrew.
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