1/ Flynn is represented by Powell. Flynn just told Lou Dobbs that "we"—apparently, he and Powell—had just gotten "evidence" from "foreign nations and partners" who'd been "watching" our election for digital intereference. Such surveillance would require intelligence capabilities.
2/ Flynn indicated that his intention was to ensure that this "evidence" be given to Trump directly. Thereafter he went to the White House once and his lawyer Powell went three times. Once she was seen with an article about an alleged Iranian attack on the election under her arm.
3/ Flynn's closest intelligence ties are to the intelligence services of—and cyberintelligence firms connected to—the following five nations: Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates. The last of these four countries all want Trump to go to war with Iran.
4/ We can't and shouldn't automatically tie actions by Trump beneficial to these countries to the possibility that they are feeding manufactured election "evidence" to Trump via Flynn and Powell, but we must note that Trump has benefited each of these nations in the last 2 weeks.

🇷🇺: Trump denies the Russian cyberattack.
🇮🇱: Trump gave Morocco the Western Sahara to get it to make peace with Israel.
🇸🇦: Trump is seeking civil/criminal immunity for MBS.
🇪🇬: The new budget has $1.4B for el-Sisi's military.
🇦🇪: Trump overrode Congress to get the UAE arms.
6/ These nations have worked with Flynn before to try to cut a quid pro quo deal with Trump, in fact have done so multiple times. I discuss these events in my 2019 book Proof of Conspiracy. There is evidence to suggest Powell is being used as an intermediary for such a deal now.
7/ Trump often uses lawyers as intermediaries in illicit deals—with the lawyer acting as legal counsel for both sides of the transaction. Trump never actually distanced himself from Powell—she's clearly been his legal advisor for weeks. Now Flynn says they have intel from abroad.
8/ All 5 of the nations I've mentioned in this thread would like Trump to continue to be president. All 5 have tampered with our elections before. All 5 have worked with Flynn before. All 5 have sought to do illicit quid pro quos with Trump before. 4 of the 5 want war with Iran.
9/ Whatever Flynn and Powell are doing, its potential consequences are so globally dangerous that even a crackpot who has repeatedly risked American national security like Rudy Giuliani is trying to push Trump away from whatever action Flynn and Powell are pursuing. That's scary.
10/ In a certain view, the ongoing Trump coup plot may be a bribery scandal involving Flynn or other potential pardons, like Bannon, Giuliani, Powell, Prince or others. In another view, there should be a fear of foreign interference—with potentially disastrous consequences. /end
NOTE/ The Forbes article doesn't say Trump is no longer speaking to Powell or Flynn. At most—if we believe Powell—it says the White House Counsel's office and Trump's Chief of Staff are so scared about what Powell and Flynn are doing that they're trying to keep Powell from Trump.
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