LIN WOOD🚨: “The intelligence community in this country is probably the most corrupt organization in the world. Look at what John F Kennedy said. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco back in 1962, he said he was going to splinter the CIA into 1000 pieces and cast it to the wind. He
was getting ready to sign a memorandum that would have taken the CIA out of Special Operations, given it to the Department of Defense, and turned the CIA into paper chasers. He didn't get a chance to sign it. He was murdered. I believe President Trump has signed that memorandum.
The CIA has blackmailed people in this government. They have been involved in spying on Americans in this country. They have placed operatives at every level of government. The CIA has no business doing anything in America. It's against the law. So we got to get rid of the CIA's
illegal activites in this country. That's the deep state - the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex, now joined with Big Pharma, and the globalists. That's the deep state that Dwight Eisenhower warned us about in his last speech before John F Kennedy was inaugurated. He said the
greatest threat to this country is not external; it's internal. It's the Military Industrial Complex. That same warning was given by Abraham Lincoln with the same words: the Military Industrial Complex." 🔥
Check out the full interview here:
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