This year I've read 133 books.

I wanted to read books more consistently.

To build a better reading habit.

Here are my 10 lessons learned. (thread)
1. Quit books that suck

Maybe the book isn't right for this time in your life.

Maybe the book sucks.

Either way, reading books that suck diminishes your joy for reading and will cause you to quit.👎🏻

If it sucks, quit the book and start a new one.
2. Read to solve your problems

I read to solve my own pain points.

If I'm struggling with negotiating a deal, I'll read more books on negotiation, psychology, or EQ.

If a question haunts me, I'll read a book on the topic.

Use reading as a prescription for life.
3. Read multiple domains

This practice supercharges your idea flow.

Many of the greatest ideas come from domain crossover. Applying another domain's lessons to your own is a growth hack.
Some example domains that I've read from this year:







Personal Development


4. Skim for Value

Read the table of contents

Skim the introduction/1st chapter

Skim the last chapter

If it looks valuable from cover to cover, read the whole book.

If not, pick the section(s) that looked most valuable and read that.

If nothing looks valuable, see lesson 2.
5. Read fiction

I resisted this one for a long time.

I'm glad I stopped.

Reading fiction has improved my storytelling.

Reading fiction has nurtured my empathy.

Reading fiction has made me feel more.

Reading fiction is fun.

Keep an open mind. Give fiction a shot.
6. Follow your curiosity

We are all curious.

Even if we've lost touch with that curiosity, it's still there.

Reading satisfies your curiosity while simultaneously feeding it.

Follow that curiosity.

You'll be amazed at where it leads you.
7. Read before bed 🛌

Want to get more sleep? 💤

Swap Netflix and pre-bedtime scrolling for a book.

The result?

You'll read more.

You'll get more sleep.😴
8. Read to start the day 🌅

Morning reading fills me with energy. ⚡️

It sets the tone for the day.

It fills me with joy, perspective, and motivation.

Try adding 1 chapter to your morning routine.
9. Take Notes, Implement, and Review 📝

Note-taking helps you retain and implement reading into your life.

Tbh, I'm still struggling with this one.

My system for consistently taking notes and implementing them is a work in progress.

Improving this is a goal for next year.
10. Reading is a Virtuous Circle

Reading feeds your mind and soul.

The more you read. The more you will want to read.

Consistent reading is an exceptionally positive feedback loop.➰

Start reading more and you'll feel what I mean
Side Note:

These lessons are personal to me.

While I believe they'll apply broadly to others, everyone's journey is personal to them.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to reading.

The best approach is the one that works for you.
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