The redpill communities of the internet very broadly represent a feeling within western society for the Real. All 'redpillings' appeal to a tearing away of the veil of modernity to some to more objective reality.

But within that is the possibility of the larp. In turning...
...postmodern irony upon itself - by stanning Hitler's Germany, or the Confederacy, or the British Empire - it becomes enamoured by its own satire. Ppl actually take on this larpy struggle to save the white race or Christianity or the West. It's a failed attempt at the Real... taking on a past version of it or protest against liberalism.

It's a parallel of the left wing superhero of Marvel. The supervillain - the Joker, Thanos, etc.

Then the blackpills come. This is why the clearpill is required. The fight against....
...the irreality of postmodernism and the energised left of the 2010s is itself a fall into irreality. Another false narrative.
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