(1/x) A thread on artist and collector preferences, the HOW and the WHY of buying and selling crypto art 💓🔥

Some takeaways from our below polls...

Additional insights and experiences welcomed 🙌

Aggregate least favorite method. Why?

NFTs are global market, lining up time zones and daily schedules from an interested collector base to accommodate an auction close is near impossible

On the artist side, generally lower $ sales, high anxiety format
(3/x) TIMED AUCTIONS cont.

On the collector side, nothing feels worse than to be "sniped" on a piece you love but couldn't be there for

Potential bidding war at close is upside // collectors may prefer to reserve auctions because they feel they can score a bargain

Not much to be said here, safe option. Artists get the assurance of a floor price with the potential upside of bidding war

Artists lose on the open-market bidding history and identifying potentially interest collectors and building relationships

Favorite among both collectors and artists. Why?

Very fair and flexible method!

Builds permanent bid history on a piece with more collector participation. Allows artists to identify potential future collectors and other collectors can see who is interested
(6/x) OPEN BIDDING cont.

Complete control for artists to decide who their work goes to and to define a standard for closing the auction as bidding develops

Flexibility in being able to feed more information into the market such as reserve or editorial that may influence bids

Relatively rare and previous relationship is generally required

Often artist and collector do not see eye to eye on value, conversations around this can strain the relationship, negotiation also requires additional time compared to releasing to market

However artists sometimes intend their works to be in certain hands

As a collector it can be flattering to know a piece was created for you or with your stewardship in mind

Allows longterm relationship and united story-telling i.e. @VolatilityArt
You can follow @MuseumofCrypto.
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