BREAKING: America is going hungry.

#FoodInsecurity (FI) rates have seen meteoric rises during the #covid19 pandemic, like many social determinants of health (homelessness, IPV, transportation, etc).

A brief 🧵on FI, & why this holiday🎄season, consider GIVING to help fight FI
The $900B economic relief package that passed Monday evening includes $26B for nutrition assistance and agriculture and rural programs. Half of that, $13B, is to provide nutrition assistance for food-insecure Americans.
One of the most important aspects is the 15% increase in monthly Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for the next six months starting Jan. 1 for the roughly 43 million Americans receiving food stamps.
The package also expands eligibility for needy college students. Older adults will also see a boost in funding for the Older Americans Act nutrition programs ($175 million), including support for tribal nutrition programs ($7 million).
The increase adds a little less than $1 per person, per day, so an approximate $25 addition per person each month. That's not very much.

Why does this matter? What does food insecurity (FI) have to do with medicine? How can YOU help? 🧐
FI leads to ⬆️ healthcare utilization & cost by:
1. Making it harder to keep a healthy diet (🙅‍♂️ for diet-dependent dx, like DM & CHF)
2. Forcing competing demands between food & other needs, like meds💊 or transportation🚌
3. ⬇️ the cognitive bandwidth to manage chronic illness
#COVID19, coupled with the rise in unemployment rates amongst all groups, has led to national, state, county, and congressional district-level increases in the number of people who are food insecure in 2020. That number may ⬆️ >50 million, w/17 million children.

Even pre-pandemic, 13.7 million households (10.5% of U.S. homes), experienced food insecurity at some point during 2019 [USDA]. That's >35 mill Americans who were unable to meet their food needs, or uncertain of where their next meal may come from in '19
Not surprisingly, the minorities most afflicted by #COVID19 are also seeing upticks in FI. While only 3% of all counties have a majority Black population (>50%), @FeedingAmerica's FI projections report 18/25 counties projected to have the highest 2020 FI rates are majority Black.
Similarly, #LatinX households are seeing higher rates of FI than their white counterparts throughout the pandemic.
The @uscensusbureau released pandemic data showing 39% of Black households with children and 37% of Hispanic households with children are currently food insecure, compared with 25% and 17%, respectively, in 2018. The rate for white households with kids is 22%.
Since Thanksgiving, social media has been flooded with pictures of hours-long waits at food pantries across the country, just like these. Food banks act as a lifeline for many when it comes to providing their families with healthy and nutritious food.
@FeedingAmerica has never handed out so much so fast — 4.2 billion meals from Mar-Oct. They report a 60% avg increase in food bank users during the pandemic. An @AP analysis of their data found the org has distributed nearly 57% more food in the third quarter of the year, vs. '19
So, this holiday season, consider giving back. Money💰, time🕰️, and food🥫, can all be donated in various ways to our larger organizations & local banks. Before the pandemic, food banks relied on the generous time of nearly 2 million volunteers per month.
Since COVID-19, volunteer numbers are down, but the need is even higher, as many regular volunteers are in the higher-risk category and are staying home. And there are many ways to help food banks right now in person or at home. YOU CAN HELP!
You can follow @JohnPurakal.
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