The only really notable feature of the absurd new election lawsuit in D.C. is that the plaintiffs sued Mike Pence in his official capacity, meaning I suppose that the Justice Department will now be obliged to defend him from the many pages of absurdity.
Also, good luck attempting service on the Electoral College, which isn't really an organization or a thing. This is like suing "the states."

Prison inmates who represent themselves generally avoid goofy stuff like this.
This is a real lawsuit that's really trying to invalidate the results of the 2020 election in *every* state, based on a legal theory that would invalidate every modern presidential election.

It won't go anywhere for Many Reasons but somebody really did file it in federal court.
Guys, they tried to serve a summons on the Electoral College. I am deceased.
What is this even?
They're trying to serve a summons on the governor of Georgia "in his original capacity."
They're arguing that votes from states whose legislatures don't certify the election results (all of them) don't count. But they also argue that not counting those votes is an unconstitutional denial of equal protection.
If you're wondering whether it's really this bad, it really is this bad. Live footage here of an actual lawyer imploding as he attempts to read it. ->
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