Random Covid Thoughts:
1. Washing your hands isn’t nearly as important as masks and social distancing. YET with every other virus washing your hands is the most important thing.
2. Masks are only effective if 110% of the population wears them.
3 COVID is real world math rarity. All answers to COVID math problems are round numbers.6 feet and 15% positive rate example.
4. Covid spreads like wildfire after 9pm or whatever curfew your state has. It sleeps during the day.
5. The 11th person is a bitch inside. If you are at 10 or under people all is good. The 11th one is like a bomb going off.
6. Walking out into traffic is safer than passing by a person on a sidewalk.
7. Cars spread COVID. It’s why people wear a mask alone in a car.
8. Closing parks is smart. So is putting sick patients in nursing homes.
9. You can wrestle in some states, but no shaking hands.
10. Reaching into a cup to retrieve your golf ball is a huge COVID spreader.
11. Closing some stores and forcing people into a few stores is perfectly fine. Social distancing can be avoided here.

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